Les quatre boulangers de RÉFÉRENCE s'associent et se révèlent dans cet OPUS ! Après le succès du Grand Livre de la Boulangerie , Le Grand Livre de la Viennoiserie est le nouvel outil...
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Les quatre boulangers de RÉFÉRENCE s'associent et se révèlent dans cet OPUS !
Après le succès du Grand Livre de la Boulangerie, Le Grand Livre de la Viennoiserie est le nouvel outil indispensable du boulanger. À travers 80 recettes dont certaines en pas à pas illustrés, nos quatre experts Jean-Marie Lanio, Thomas Marie (MOF), Olivier Magne (MOF) et Jérémy Ballester vous transmettent leurs connaissances pour faire de vous les prochaines stars de la viennoiserie. Avec ce beau livre d'apprentissage, techniques de beurrage et de tourage, créations originales du concours MOF, viennoiseries tendance, brioches du monde et grands classiques de la viennoiserie n'auront plus de secret pour vous. Un véritable ouvrage de référence pour tous les professionnels et amateurs de la viennoiserie, soucieux de développer leur savoir-faire et de parfaire leur technique !
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Standard delivery purchases can take up to 2-3 days processing time before they are shipped using UPS Delivery, or the US Postal Service to all 50 United States, Mexico and Canadian addresses which in most cases depart within 2-5 business days after processing has cleared. Arrival times depend on your location. Other Countries, please contact us for inquiry.
We do not ship to PO Box Addresses.
Delivery Charges are calculated using "On-Demand Shipping Rates" based on weight / zone plus handling.
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Import tax, duty and brokerage fees are assessed by Canadian Customs and charged to customer at time of delivery.
Delivery Charges are calculated using "On-Demand Shipping Rates" based on weight / zone plus handling.
Orders must be received by 2:00pm EST - Monday through Friday for Next Day shipping, or when an alternative expedited shipping method is selected to ensure the delivery can be made within the time frame of the expedited shipping method chosen.
Saturday / Sunday and holiday delivery is not available on rush deliveries. Rush delivery is not available on all catalog items.
Books that have been opened from the original seal are non-refundable and therefore they are not accepted for return.
A returnable book that is eligible for a refund is one that is in its original seal unopened, and in brand new condition. If a used, damaged, or opened book is returned to us, it will not be refunded. An unused but damaged book is eligible to be charged a restocking fee for a partial refund.
Restocking Fees: This fee is 15% of the item(s) cost.
Exceptions: If you received the incorrect product or if the book was defective or damaged, please contact us at info@pastrychefsboutique.com or 732-872-7879 to see what solutions we can offer..
For more details on our Return Policy and to find out how to start the Return Process, please see https://www.pastrychefsboutique.com/content/Sales-and-Returns-Terms
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