We carry the most brilliant books on the market for professional chefs. Explore the diverse craft of all things sweet with publications on pastries, desserts, chocolate, sugar, ice cream, gelato, bread and viennoiseries, and many more!
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So Cool Magazine 1, The Magazine of Signature Ice Cream by Grupo Vilbo
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6 Review(s)
Givré: L'art de la pâtisserie glacée en 60 recettes by Emmanuel Ryon
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4 Review(s)
30 Indispensable Ice Creams / 30 Helados Imprescindibles (REPRINT) by Jaume Turró (Bilingual English & Spanish)
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7 Review(s)
The Italian Gelato Project - Progetto Gelato by Andrea Soban (English)
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17 Review(s)
Avanguardia Gelato by Paolo Brunelli, Gianfrancesco Cutelli, Alberto Marchetti, and Andrea Soban (Italian)
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4 Review(s)
The secrets of ice cream, ice cream without secrets by Angelo Corvitto
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35 Review(s)