We carry the most brilliant books on the market for professional chefs. Explore the diverse craft of all things sweet with publications on pastries, desserts, chocolate, sugar, ice cream, gelato, bread and viennoiseries, and many more!
Books on Pastry and Dessert
Pastry and Dessert Books
Chocolate Books
Books on Bread and Viennoiseries
Books on Bread and Viennoiseries
Books on Haute Cuisine
Books for Chefs curates and releases top-notch professional haute cuisine publications. Explore the finest gastronomic literature and recipes covering rice and pasta, desserts and petit fours, meat and fish recipes, as well as snacks, tapas, vegetables, and legumes. Delve into gastronomic works authored by renowned chefs.
Books on Ice Cream and Gelato
Books on Ice Cream and Gelato
Books on Sugar Work
Sugar Work Books
So Good Magazine
So Good Magazine
Dulcypas Magazine
So Cool Magazine
Artisan Magazine
Artisan Magazine by Stephane Glacier.
L'Empreinte by Degrenne
The L'Empreinte Collection by Degrenne - Featuring delicate, embossed patterns, L'Empreinte adds a touch of texture and sophistication, perfect for those who appreciate detailed and refined tableware in high-end settings.